Birth defects associated with breech babies My son was frank breech from 32 weeks on. A 24-year-old female asked: C section for breech baby. In those patients with a normal ultrasound, 29%, at 4-6 months radiographic follow-up, were found to have dysplasia requiring treatment Clinical Practice Guideline: Early Detection of I went to get her ultra sound today, she is now 6 and half weeks old (actual due date is Aug 8) Conclusions: Retrospectively, we found that, at approximately 6 weeks of age, ultrasound screening of breech patients with clinically stable hips produces an incidence of DDH of 27%. Once she was discharged from the NICU, we went to the pediatrician a few days later and the pediatrician said she needed to get a hip ultrasound since she is female and was born breech. The 2000 AAP clinical practice guideline recommended hip ultrasonography at 6 weeks of age or radiography of the pelvis and hips at 4 months of age in girls with a positive family history of DDH or breech presentation My daughter was born breech at 32 weeks 6 days via c-section. Infant Screening for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip radiograph at 4-6 months the report recommends choosing based on local conditions and availability of experienced, trained pediatric hip sonographers. The frank breech position of hip flexion and knee extension places a newborn or infant at the highest risk In using imaging for assessment of babies with one or more risk factors but negative physical exam, there is no proven benefit to ultrasound at 6 weeks vs. 13 Breech position occurs in ∼3% of births, and DDH occurs more frequently in breech presentations, reportedly in as many as 23%. But for babies with an abnormal physical exam or major risk factors for developmental dysplasia of the hip, or DDH, (family history, Breech position etc.) the AAP supports referral for ultrasound and/or pediatric orthopedic consultation Conditions such as oligohydramnios or breech position predispose to DDH. The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend routine ultrasounds for every infant.